Über mich

Weitere Informationen zu meiner Person, meinem akademischen Werdegang, seit wann und warum ich male, sowie ein kurzer Überblick über die aktuelle Situation.
Hight intensity
Bold, strong, fast and energetic brushstrokes in a whirlwind of intensity that pauses for moments to regain composure and serenity. Incorporates intentional use of circular shapes and enveloping patterns made with unconventional tools.
Versatility & flexibility
Unique elements can be appreciated from multiple angles. Rotating the canvas as desired is encouraged, regardless of the signature's location. This allows for adaptable orientation and placement, letting the artwork harmonize with the viewer's energy and preferences.
Perceptive freedom
Figures can be intuited and reinterpreted based on each viewer's unique perspective. These forms remain intentionally undefined, without specific details or rigid boundaries, to foster an open, unconditioned visual experience, prioritizing subjective imagination over imposed narratives.
Main techniques
The techniques I use most are dripping, impasto, blending, layering and sgraffito.
Thematic diversity
Diverse themes are explored such as fantasy, animals, time, space, science fiction, mythology or love.
Hidden stories
Nevertheless, each piece includes a title and descriptions that reflect one of the visions during its creation.